How Do You Fix Fogged Binoculars?

How Do You Fix Fogged Binoculars?

If you expose your binoculars to extreme temperature and humidity changes, they will fog up. Fog forms when small water droplets become suspended on the surface of the binocular lens. As a result, visibility is reduced.

Water droplets can condense inside binoculars as well as on the external lens surface as temperatures change. As a result, the images have a hazy appearance.

Internal fogging of binoculars is annoying because condensed water collects inside the binoculars, obscuring your view.

Aside from the depressing view, moisture inside your binoculars can lead to fungus, which is extremely harmful to them.

Why Are My Binoculars Foggy?

  •  Dust particles

Dust that comes into contact with or is rubbed across your eyepiece (during cleaning or use) can leave microscopic scratches on the glass and ultra-thin coatings on the lenses.

Because these individual scratches are so small, you won’t notice them, but they scatter light. This gives your binoculars the cloudy image that we all despise over time.

  •  Condensation

Another common cause is condensation, which is a simple problem to solve.

An abrupt change in temperature, such as moving indoors or outdoors, can cause condensation, causing your binoculars to mist up and appear foggy and cloudy.

  • Leakages

Another cause of cloudy binoculars is a camera leak; only enter your binoculars if you’re sure there’s an internal leak.

How Do You Fix Fogged Binoculars?

  • Dust particles

You can buy lens cleaning pens that will remove any small dust particles from your binoculars and clean them without damaging them.

You can also remove dust particles with a moist Q-tip, but be gentle to avoid causing further damage to your binoculars.

  • Condensation

For several days, keep the binoculars in a warm, dry location. Because most binoculars aren’t completely airtight, any moisture inside should evaporate into the dryer air outside.

Fill an airtight plastic bag with the binoculars and some commercial desiccant like silica gel. The excess moisture will be absorbed by the desiccant, which will eliminate the source of the fogging.

To avoid any liquid getting into your binoculars and causing damage or affecting their performance, make sure they’re completely dry after the condensation.

The quality of your binoculars’ lenses can deteriorate over time if you leave the surface wet. That means you’ll have to spend more time looking through cloudy lenses, which is not what you want!

  • Leakages

To avoid cloudiness, clean the inside of your binoculars and repair the leak if the leak is in the camera. This can be challenging, so think about other options before reaching for your binoculars.

The instructions for accessing and cleaning the inside of your binoculars should be included in the manual that came with them. They should also be able to give instructions on how to fix any camera leaks.

There are numerous online tutorials available that will walk you through cleaning inside your binoculars and repairing the leak. To get the best advice, make sure you have the make and model of your binoculars handy.


Fogging can be a real pain for birdwatchers and anyone who uses binoculars, as you’ve seen.

Once the moisture has been removed, keep the binoculars as dry as possible for future outings. When you’re not looking through the binoculars, keep them covered if it’s raining. As soon as possible, wipe away any outside moisture.

I hope this information was useful.
